Каширин И.Ю.

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Hierarchical numbers

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References ( Каширин И.Ю. )


I.Yu.Kashirin. Theory of Hierarchical Numbers in Calculation Problems Semantic Similarity of Natural Language Constructions

/ Vestnik of RSREU. (2024). № 88 p.38-52  (rus, en) DOI: 10.21667/1995-4565-2024-88-38-52 

I.Yu.Kashirin. Binary hierarchical numbers for calculating the semantic proximity of natural language sentences

 / Vestnik of RSREU. (2023). № 86 p.110-121 . (rus) DOI: 10.21667/1995-4565-2023-86-110-121


I.Y. Kashirin, P.A.Chistyakov Intellectual diagnostics using the algebra of hierarchical numbers /

IIASU’23 – Artificial intelligence in management, control, and data processing
systems. Proceedings of the II All-Russian scientific conference (Moscow, April
27–28, 2023) : In 5 volumes. – Moscow, Publishing House «KDU», 2023.

Volume 2. – 406 p. – Electronic edition. – URL: https://bookonlime.ru/node/72807

doi: 10.31453/kdu.ru.978-5-7913-1352-2-2023-406. Р-71-75. (rus)

I.Yu.Kashirin. Application of hierarchical number theory in the design of ICF taxonomy for neural network optimization/Vestnik of RSREU. 2022. С.118-126. (rus)

I.Yu.Kashirin. Neural networks for user identification based on analysis of visits to a news site /Vestnik of RSREU. 2022. No 82. P.104-111. (rus)

I.Yu.Kashirin. Data Mining Using Hierarchical Numbers in Retrospective Diagnostics . / Vestnik of RSREU. (2022). № 79 c.81-88 . (rus)

I.Yu.Kashirin. Hierarchical numbers for designing artificial intelligence ICF taxonomies/2020. № 71. P.71-82 (rus)

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