Characteristics of the department for election to the position of professor
Igor Yuryevich Kashirin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation Kashirin I.Yu., date of birth 18.01.1960, graduated with honors from the Ryazan Radio Engineering Institute (RRTI) in 1982 with a degree in "Mechanization and automation of information processing and issuance processes".
Since 1982, he has worked as a research engineer at the Department of Automation of Information Processes at the RRTI.
In 1984, he entered the full-time postgraduate program of the Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which he graduated in 1987 with an early defense of his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in the specialty "Mathematical and software software of computers, complexes, systems and networks" on the subject of "Artificial Intelligence". At the same time, he was a responsible executive or the scientific director of research works on the introduction of intelligent systems in the field of logistics of agriculture (VNIIMS), recognized as the most important research projects.
From 1987 to 1988, he worked as a senior researcher at the Department of Automation of Information Technology, received the title of senior researcher. He led research in the field of automation of scientific and technical information processing (Ryazan Central Research Institute). From 1989 to 1996 he worked as an associate professor of the Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics. He led research in the field of intellectual property management of the higher education system of the Russian Federation. Concurrently, he worked as the head of the department of the Scientific and Information Center for Intellectual Property Problems (NITSPRIS, Moscow) at the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
In 1996 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 1998 - a full member of the International Academy of Informatization. In 1998, he was elected Vice-President of the Ryazan branch of the International Academy of Informatization, recognized by UNESCO.
In 1997, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on the topic "Information technology and artificial intelligence".
Since 1998, he has been a professor at the Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, and received the title of professor. From 2004 to 2008, he was the Vice-rector for Informatization of the Ryazan State Radio Engineering University.
In 2005, he received the title of Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
In 2004-2005, he was the scientific supervisor of works in the field of artificial intelligence in fifth-generation avionics (Ryazan State Instrument Plant). Currently, he works as a professor at the Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics. The subject of his scientific works is "Artificial intelligence and information technology".
He was the supervisor of about 20 contractual research projects. He has more than 200 scientific papers, including 12 monographs. Under his leadership, 15 PhD theses have been successfully defended. He is a participant of more than 25 international conferences. For 45 years, the scientific seminar "Theory and Practice of Artificial intelligence" has been operating under his leadership. He developed programs in 17 programming languages, two of which he developed himself with the software implementation of the corresponding compilers.
One of the first in 2007. The Russian Federation has developed and put into commercial operation the Web portal of municipal services of the Ryazan City Administration (Ryazan City Administration).
In 2011, he was the first in Russia to develop and put into commercial operation an electronic kindergarten registration service as well as an electronic queue service for a multifunctional center, which has not yet been surpassed in terms of functionality by any of the similar state Web services. He is still personally involved in the development of Web-oriented software systems, develops and administers the official Internet resources of state-owned enterprises and the administration of the city of Ryazan.
Since 2022, he has been working under a business agreement in the field of Data Mining, Big Data, and neural networks.
The latest results (2023-2024) were hierarchical numbers and ICF ontologies used in practical developments to create artificial neural networks that determine the ideological orientation and presence of mind control tools in English-speaking media around the world.