Каширин И.Ю.

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Module Positions

JSN Boot provides 37+ module positions allowing you to have multiple layout configurations. All module positions are collapsible which means if you don't publish any modules in some positions it will not take any blank spaces leaving those for neighbor modules. Some positions are designed to arrange modules inside in horizontal layout which makes it very easy to reorder modules inside it.

See all module positions outline

Layout Configuration

Layout configuration by template parameters

JSN Boot allows you to change the width size for several critical layout elements. All settings can be done via template parameters in section LAYOUT SETTINGS.

Layout Variations

JSN Boot layout system is very flexible and capable. Module positions are designed in smart way to cover all possible spot where you might want to put content. Moreover, you can specify width of both overall layout and specific columns conveniently via template parameters. Bellow is live presentation of some most popular layout variations:

Program machines

The formalism of software machines makes it possible to mathematically strictly describe the concept of the conceptual integrity of a programming languageTo get a formalism focused on analyzing the basic structures of an algorithmic language, let's look his structural components.



The Program Machines system can be considered in various combinations as higher-level formalisms. The connection between the components can be seen at the level of the structure of the construction of elements of the carrier sets of the algebraic systems discussed above.


programming languages

Let's consider the use of algebraic interpretation of language constructs for PL C, Lisp and Prolog as the most well-known algorithmic languages, which are representatives of languages of the universal, functional and logical type, respectively. Optimizing transformations are possible.




If the terms s and t represent a formal record of programs some predetermined program machine, then we are talking not simply about unifying or comparing two programs in order to find common fragments in them, but about an attempt to find some third term containing  variables.


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