You can click on the title of any of the articles to access the corresponding site. Каширин И.Ю.
I.Yu.Kashirin Semantic Data Fragmentation for Identification of Covariant Conceptual Drift in Machine Learning Models, International Journal of Open Information Technologies, ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 12, no. 7, 2024. pp.10-15. (en)
I.Yu.Kashirin.Neural networks of new multipolar world: classification of electronic news /Vestnik of RSREU. (2024) № 87. P.28-40 (rus, en)
I.Yu.Kashirin. Knowledge Models for correcting data drift in Data Mining/Vestnik of RSREU. (2023) № 84. P.108-118/ (rus)
I.Yu.Kashirin. Solving the Problem of Concept Drift in Data Minig Technology using Knowledge Models/ VI International Scientific and Technical Forum STNO-2023. Collection of works. Volume 4, pp.43-48. (rus)
I.Yu.Kashirin. Identifying news credibility using machine learning models/ Vestnikof RSREU. 2023. P.36-47. (rus)
IIASU’23 – Artificial intelligence in management, control, and data processing
systems. Proceedings of the II All-Russian scientific conference (Moscow, April
27–28, 2023) : In 5 volumes. – Moscow, Publishing House «KDU», 2023. –
Volume 2. – 406 p. – Electronic edition. – URL: –
doi: 10.31453/ Р-21-27.
I.Yu.Kashirin. Neural networks for user identification based on analysis of visits to a news site /Vestnik of RSREU. (2022) № 82. P.104-111 (rus)
I.Yu.Kashirin. Application of hierarchical number theory in the design of ICF taxonomy for neural network optimization /Vestnik of RSREU. 2022. P.118-126. (rus)
I.Yu.Kashirin. Neural networks with knowledge for big data analysis /Vestnik of RSREU. (2021). № 75. P.71-84(rus)
I.Yu.Kashirin, I.Yu.Filatov Formalized Description Of Intuitive Perception Of Spatial Situations/ 2019 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) , Budva, Montenegro, 2019, pp. 1-4. (en)